About Us

Our Founder and CEO


Christoph Ravenstein

The year 2024 marks the beginning of an exciting new era within our corporate group. After fifteen successful years, with both highs and lows, we bid farewell to certain business areas and production facilities in the Commodities sector to venture into innovative paths in other industries. Our goal remains unchanged: to foster a strong and diverse business network with companies that share our ideas and values.

In a dynamic world, it is crucial to demonstrate flexibility and explore new avenues. The extensive experience of our employees, collaborative efforts with loyal partners, our global network, combined with precise market observation, enable us to shape the next chapter of success at RavenGroup.

We firmly believe that a sustainable corporate structure for the next generation emerges through collaborative partnerships. We are aware of the changing demands of the younger generation and are committed to addressing them. This lived and enduring corporate culture is of great importance to us, as we strongly believe that a positive work atmosphere can move mountains. With this approach, we strive not only to thrive in the market but also to contribute to a future-oriented economy.

We invite you to be part of this exciting journey and look forward to exploring new horizons together.

Best regards,

Christoph Ravenstein
Founder & CEO

Our Mission and Vision

Our Mission

The RavenGroup creates suitable environments for cooperation of all kinds for like-minded small and mid-sized companies to grow successfully together in the market. We establish partnerships in production, trade, development, and services. Our recipe for success is based on long-term relationships and trust, which is created by a steady communication with our partners and the mutual use of respective skills and strengths.

Our Vision

The RavenGroup is a network of business ventures which are active in different areas. We grow through cooperation, joint-ventures and trustful networking without losing our independence. Our organization is and will remain family-oriented with a strong environmental awareness and social responsibility. Due to our ability to cooperate, we take a leading position in our business areas. The recognition of synergies and the integration of strengths of our partners allow us to break new ground and grow in a healthy manner.

Our Values


We are competent and willing to work with others. The ability to cooperate is not only an important maxim that is practiced internally and externally by all employees, but is also a core competence of the Group. Only through synergies and the pooling of efforts, talents and experience can we combine the strengths of a medium-sized company with the stability and efficiency of a large corporation. This is our approach to achieving our ambitious goals despite limited resources.


We have the ability to quickly adapt to new demands and requirements. Our organization is designed to be flexible, allowing us to act according to changes and dynamics in the market, ensuring long-term corporate success.


Trust is the central foundation for us, enabling the advancement of innovation, productivity, and employee satisfaction within the company. Trust in our cooperation partners arises from competence, integrity, and goodwill. Openness and transparency are our guiding principles to save costs and time, ultimately gaining a competitive advantage.


Every decision in our company is made with a long-term perspective and goal in mind. The focus is not on achieving short-term gains. Instead, we aim for qualitative and sustainable growth with continually improved and higher-value services and products. Business partners and contributors in the corporate organization rely on our loyal and long-term orientation.


Soy Raven
I am a Raven

Ravens cooperate to achieve a common goal, yet they don't collaborate with every member of their species. Instead, they choose their team partners based on their individual experiences and decide through intuition and sympathy. Ravens are globally present and possess excellent adaptability. They are aware of their size and limits. Despite being more solitary, they understand how to strategically use their cooperative skills to achieve the greatest possible success. Ravens commit to their partner for a lifetime. As a company, we believe in loyalty and long-term partnerships. We are convinced that we can learn from others.

The RavenGroup has chosen the raven as its symbol. This decision is not solely based on the founder's last name but also because the raven, with its characteristics, reflects the values of our company: Growth through cooperation.

© 2024 RavenGroup GmbH